NA Guilds RecruitingNA
SF (Whitemane)#27
Y E P (Faerlina)#64
Donkeys (Whitemane)#90
Beach Mouse (Mankrik)#96
this is fine (Benediction)#107
Top NA RecruitsProgress
Xidriv (43 percentile)[11/12]
Bragly (20 percentile)[8/12]
Horkrux (33 percentile)[7/12]
Clifferd (71 percentile)[5/12]
Benson (93 percentile)[4/12]
EU Guilds RecruitingEU
Memento (Gehennas)#105
Time Well Wasted (Gehennas)#315
Clown Wagon (Gehennas)#359
Dicentra (Gehennas)#445
Adapt (Mograine)#468
EU Guilds RecruitingEU
Overwipe (Gehennas)#471
Oilshire (Firemaw)#550
Remedy (Earthshaker)#586
Paranoia (Golemagg)#767
This is Fine (Firemaw)#796
Classic and Retail UpdatesJul 4th, 2023 1:43am by Jase

A separate Classic and Retail version is now live!

Depending on whether you prefer Classic or Retail you will now see what is relevant to you. You can toggle between the versions of WoW in the top right of the website. Streams, Guilds, Top Recruits, and other menu items will now be shown for the appropriate version of WoW.

Recent Updates

SoD Mythic and Classic UpdatesJul 23rd, 2021 11:46pm by Jase

With Sanctum of Domination being out for just over 2 weeks now, all tracking is being switched over to primarily use Mythic SoD (Not Heroic) for any default progress, info, recruiting, ect…

And to answer questions related to anything in Classic. Everything was switched over to Classic TBC. There are no plans at this time to have anything setup for Classic Vanilla.


Mythic Castle NathriaDec 15th, 2020 10:23am by Jase

With how difficult Mythic Castle Nathria is expected to be we will continue tracking and displaying Heroic progress over Mythic during this first week.

Recruit Finder now has a higher bump in iLvL sorting and starting next week everything everything will be switched to prioritize Mythic for all site functions.

Banner update and new WoW APIMar 24th, 2020 4:08pm by Jase

A couple quick little updates. First someone suggested using your guild progression rather than your own personal progression for the banners. The idea being if you have to sit on a certain boss or play an alt for required raid comps you will still get credit. This has now been implemented. If you are not in a guild it will still draw from your individual progress.

Second, you may have noticed some brief downtime with Player Info or slow updates on Guild \ Recruit Finder. WoW has recently migrated their API. We’ve also migrated to using their new API but there has been and probably will continue having random API downtime for the next little bit. Unfortunately nothing can be done about that on our end.

  • Legacy Ranks have been converted to a much easier format and new search options have been added to filter through legacy ranks.
  • Community forums are now up and running. (Using Discourse)
  • Classic support added.

Ranks Classic

The newest site addition is a WoW Classic section. Similar to the Guild Finder and Recruit Finder you will be able search and hopefully find yourself a new guild or recruit. Due to no API or Armory in Classic the information obtained isn’t quite as comprehensive as that of Retail WoW. Nonetheless it will make finding something that will work for you much easier.

Streams[1373 Watching]
Ahlazandreah 1368
Affliction Warlock
<OnlyFangs> #1 Warrior. hardcore MC ...
bipolar [#2 US]
Cranston 5
Prot Warrior
WoW Classic Cataclysm (Whitemane Hor...
Stellar [#103 US]
NevergiveupRet Paladin
Beers [#38 US]
StaysafeDemonology Warlock
Death Jesters
JoardeeDisc Priest
Fusion [#411 US]
JaseDisc Priest
Hardcore Parkour [#528 US]
FoggedftwDemonology Warlock
Fusion [#1331 US]
AuropowerProt Paladin
Overclock [#3108 US]
MudflapzAssassination Rogue
RATS [#360 US]
LatyownFury Warrior
SimonizeshowAssassination Rogue
Fully Rested [#1669 US]
TetsuFury Warrior
SF [#120 US]
FeorbladeMarksmanship Hunter
who [#117 US]
CelyssProt Paladin
SotH [#31 US]
SupremezzUnholy Death Knight
who [#1 US]